aku hazel si shutterbugs! smile....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

first day like hell

today is the sixth day of first decade in melenium.

today is the second day my prektikel ay.......

yesterday was my first day of prektikel....

and yesterday like hell...

and yesterday, the most boring day tahap gaban lawan otomen ever you know...

and today i feel a bit bater then yesterday la....

here the story mory bout yesterday....

yesterday i went to XXX for my prektikel la kan. lepas tu kan... i went to Human Resource Department. after that i met the chief department. after a while he finally talk to me.. more to lecture instead of briefing... for over 30 minutes i've been listening to him.he talked about ethic, . hahahaha.... finally over.
 then i went out from his office and met some new friends. they are also prektikel la wei. lepas tu kan, about 11 AM i were tranfered to Admin Department....  then i have to said goodbye for Human Resource Dept.

so i went to Admin Dept and met with my boss Mr. XXX. my first impression he's quite cool la, easy going, down to earth yet charming maybe. so he expect me to perform excellently during my prektikel kat sini....

lepas tu habis la sesi perkenalan dengan beliau. so dekat opis ni ada la meja untuk aku.. hahahah
my own desk.. ok... kite boleh bincang project juta-juta ye lepas ni....

tapi..... semalam memang like hell.. penantian juga satu siksaan bagi aku.  mana tak nya.... dah la tadak lap top. bayangkan 1 hari suntuk from 8 to 5 aku tada buat apa. macam sculpture, tugu, tunggul... aduh......

so for today.. quite ok la kot.. heheheh...


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